3 Ways to Start the School Year with Ease!


        When heading back to school, smart teachers use the first week to establish procedures, expectations, and routines. A common mistake, and one I’ve made in the past, is to move too quickly into teaching content. If you fill the first few days of school with fun and easy activities, it’s easier for students to focus on the procedures and expectations you want them to learn. Here’s how I start the school year right!

https://peasinapodlessons.com/start-the-school-year-with-ease/ Continue reading

Beat Teacher Burnout!

https://peasinapodlessons.com/beat-teacher-burnout/ Beat Teacher Burnout! Here's a trick my school has recently started to boost morale for students and teachers alike ~ and it's working!

This time of year is HARD! I’m canceling meetings because I have so many meetings scheduled that they are overlapping. This is on top of report cards, testing, conferences, IEP’s,  and the list could just keep going on! If you’re a teacher, I know you’re right there with me! Continue reading

Sentence Building ~ What Teachers Say

        I have recently made a point of it to share my thoughts when a compliment pops into my mind. It’s nice to think positively, but I know it can make a much bigger impact when shared out loud. Here are a few heart warmers teachers have recently shared with me regarding my Sentence Building Unit:

“Brilliant way to improve sentence writing! Our school caters to a wide range of developmental delays and this helped ALL of my older guys write better sentences. Repetition with this product helps to remind them of all the aspects to a complete, good sentence. Loved this one!” ~Jamie B.

“Practical and useful….love this product!” ~Amanda

Thank you! Love that this scaffolds where needed and allows for differentiation. Just what I was looking for!” ~buyer

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Take the Stress Out of Calling a Sub!

I finally set out to make an official template for my sub plans! It seems like I always aim to do this when writing plans for a substitute teacher. Then, I get crunched for time, and the plan is never “template worthy. ” To save time for future sick days, I took the time to put a complete set together. (Click on continue reading for a freebie!)

substitute plan template https://peasinapodlessons.com/take-the-stress-out-of-calling-a-sub/
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A Little Inspiration…





I love the uplifting quotes floating around the internet and decided to format a few of my favorites. These can be printed out as small posters or cards ~ perfect for posting next to your computer screen or on your file cabinet. Best of all, they’re free. Just click the link below for the freebies. Enjoy!

 Get these quotes HERE!


