The Easy Way to Master Multiplication!

Save time & energy with this simplified system for practicing / tracking multiplication fluency.

You can find the entire system HERE!

Students love the interactive component that serves as paperless practice between tests! These digital games come in both PowerPoint and Google slides, so you can choose the format you are most comfortable using! Check out the preview below:

The Multiplication Fact Fluency Program

Instead of having 9 tests to pass out to various students, I have combined our multiplication practice into 2’s & 3’s, 4’s & 5’s, 6’s & 7’s, 8’s & 9’s. Having a total of only 4 possible tests greatly eases prep & setup yet still allows for differentiated student practice! ( I also include the individual fact fluency quizzes x2,  x3,  x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9 .)

Set up: The quizzes are placed upside down on students’ desks. When I say “go,” students have 1 minute to complete as many multiplication problems as they can. If they finish they hold up their quiz, and I collect it. I ring a bell at one minute, & ask everyone to hold their quizzes up in the air.

Quick tip: This serves as an excellent transition activity.  I like to have a student helper pass them out during recess or before school, so when the kids come in we are all set to go! I keep my tracking sheet and the quizzes in a folder that makes it a snap to pass out (even if I end up using class time to do so).

Correcting: Having them trade with an assigned partner to correct provides additional practice, and they don’t even realize it. I have them correct each other’s quizzes, circling any incorrect answers. (I allow them to use multiplication cheat sheets or calculators to correct.)  My district suggests that students complete 18 problems correctly in one minute to be deemed proficient with that fact. Once they are able to correctly answer 18 problems in a minute they earn a star and advance them to the next quiz.


Practice: I have students practice with the digital resources or flash cards before retesting. (This resource also includes traditional flash cards in a traceable font!)

Motivation: As students demonstrate proficiency they earn stars for their star charts. I have also included a “Watch My Progress” tracking chart. This is great for students who may have anxiety due to being timed. To ease any anxiety issues, I encourage them to try to increase their fact proficiency by 1 fact each time they test. Most students will feel that is a manageable goal and will continue to make progress.

 * Each sheet contains 3 versions, so students do not begin to memorize the order of the answers.

**You can find the entire system HERE!**

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